Monday, December 14, 2009

Chrismas spirit in the air

What a beautiful weekend. Saturday, hundreds of people across Lafayette, from area churches put on a program called Christmas for Everyone. Our particular church had 180 families with over 400 children to sponsor for Christmas. You took as many names as you wanted and bought for those children. Saturday was the big day of distribution. Families came in as specified time slots to pick up their gifts. They made sure clothes were the right size and then the gifts were off to be wrapped while the hosts sat down with them, ate cookies and listened to their stories. More than once I found myself with tear running down my cheeks. I was a host to a couple Latino families because I can speak Spanish, albeit rather rusty from lack of use. I can't say I've ever met such sweet, humble people who were working part time jobs, trying to make ends meet. A big, sloppy kiss from a little 3 year old sent my head to spinning.

At one point, I saw a woman, who was handed a $20 gift certificate for some groceries. She broke down in tears of joy and she was still crying much later. This, my sweet friends is what Christmas is about - helping those less fortunate. How much more thankful I am for the abundance I have been blessed with since Saturday's experience.

Have a blessed Christmas everyone.


  1. What a blessed day you had. It does make you sit back and take stock of how fortunate you are. Finishing the binding on my 2 quilts. Thanks for an absolute beautiful job you did.

  2. Vicky--I so love watching for your quilts and reading your point of view on life--makes me need to keep up with my blog more!!
    Have a Blessed Christmas Season!!
