Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Quilting Weekend

I just spent 2 whole days piecing quilts. I had such a grand time with friends as we pieced, ate, told stories, ate, drank sangrias, ate, and pieced a bit more. It was a wonderful time with friends from out of state that I rarely get to see as well as a few friends I see almost every week.

The blue and white quilt I pieced is called Day and Night by Eleanor Burns. The blue fabric I've had for almost 6 years and I got the light fabric last year at a clearance sale. Now I get to remove one more picture from the "fabric that followed me home" slideshow. I have removed 4 from the WIP slideshow already this year and I've finished the NICU baby quilt for January. I've made a resolution to make at least 1 NICU quilt each month. Now if I could just lose the 10 pounds I resolved to lose this year, I'll really have made some progress with 2010.

1 comment:

  1. I love Day and Night! And I am impressed with your removing four from WIP. I have removed only one, the wall hanging i was working on at Camp Tecumseh.
