Sunday, November 8, 2009

Tennessee Waltz

After 2 full days at Miss Mary's, Friday until about 10:00 and Saturday until after 11:00, I finally got my Tennesse Waltz done. I'll quilt it in December some time and hopefully get it on the bed before the first real snow flies. My plan is to finish one project a month for a year. This will be project #1. It is 89 x 107. It will tuck under the pillows and hang down on the sides of my Victorian bed to the side boards.


  1. It is AWESOME! Is taht the quilt you started on at camp?

  2. Yup, that's the one from camp. It's grown a bit, hasn't it?

  3. That is gorgeous. Yes, it did grow A LOT from camp. Excited to see my quilts are next on your list. Glad to know where you are in blog land.

  4. I love it at camp and I love it even more now! Gorgeous!

  5. Ditto to Michelle...and I think the border is perfect for it. One a month...sounds reasonable in the abstract; I may try that too.
